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Welcome to Space Lore, where Arthurian legend meets Star Wars. For the first time, all three Space Lore books are included in one volume.
Near the border between two kingdoms, a vessel full of innocent passengers is destroyed. While the extent of the impending retaliation is unknown, its inevitability is not. Galactic war is approaching…
In a seedy bar in a distant corner of the solar system, a knight clad entirely in green armor puts forth a grisly challenge. The only person to accept the knight’s game is a woman who spends her time drinking and thieving.
These two acts, occurring in different parts of the galaxy, both lead to the same spot: the planet that will soon fall under attack.
“Dietzel proves a master at swashbuckling space opera.”
– Kirkus
“Nothing in this tale was disappointing, from the great world building, to the vivid battle scenes, to the depth and heart of the central characters.”
– Amazon Top 100 Reviewer
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