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Betrayed by his own command, he has only two options:
Fight and die
Or fight through and win
It’s just another day on forward deployment for United Nations Marine Staff Sergeant Trace Hale . . . until his CO invites him outside the team room for a private chat.
Staff Sergeant Hale and his reconnaissance Marines are immediately tasked by UN Naval Intelligence with an off-the-books mission; a mission so far in the black, they may never see daylight again.
From the very beginning, something about the op feels wrong. But Hale’s sense of duty overrides his gut-instinct, and he and his Marines set out to follow their orders.
Early into the mission, Hale’s instincts prove right when he and his team find themselves trapped, deep inside enemy territory; outnumbered, outgunned, and abandoned by the very same chain of command who ordered them there.
On their own and with no backup, can Hale and his team accomplish the mission?
Can they even survive?
Brad Thor’s edge-of-your-seat political thrillers meet the futuristic worlds of Isaac Asimov’s masterful science fiction.
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