Run and get this book at: Amazon US, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia
Apple, Nook, Kobo (audibook in KoboPlus), GooglePlay, and Scribd in Audiobook which is how I listened to it. The narration is great. (also check your local library!)
This was just loads of fun, written by a nerdy Australian animal lover from the Sydney suburbs (apparently they aren’t all action heroes, who knew?) If you love animals, and want to go on a book escape to Africa, with a charming narrator, get this. It’s a love letter to the African animals, and to the people of Botswana. It also offers a chapter that is a moving biography of Seretse Khama, the once king, later prime minister, later president of Botswana, who is largely responsible for making a land-locked country in Southern Africa a success story. This book is funny and poignant by turns.