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Funny – Charming – Non-Stop Supernatural Trouble…
Charlie, Michael, and Melinda are the last three witches alive in their bloodline.
A werewolf with an over-the-top big brother complex.
An empath who wishes he could stay out of his sibling’s love lives.
And a witch whose job it is to save people she dreams will die, but has a panic attack whenever she has to leave the house…
However, when she has a prophetic dream of Michael’s should-be girlfriend dying, Melinda needs to act fast. But saving their friend means doing one of three things Melinda dreads:
Ask her brothers for help.
Ask the vampire she’s crushing on hard, and who’s off limits, for help.
Or worse, do it herself—but this means doing the hardest thing ever—leaving her house and stepping into the hectic, crowded, no-room-to-breathe tourist trap that is The Demon Isle…