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Eight strangers with mysterious tattoos, missing memories, and unique paranormal powers. “Mind-blown! ★★★★★”
Four months ago, Lena woke up in a dark alleyway with no recollection of who she is. The only clues to her past are a mysterious tattooed symbol and a supernatural power: the ability to see evil in people.
While struggling to regain her memory, she follows a strange guiding instinct to a small Colorado town. There she finds other young men and women with similar stories, similar tattoos, and a multitude of extrasensory powers. Among them a man she’s intensely attracted to, yet with no memories of him, she has no idea why.
As Lena and the others explore their powers and try to figure out who and what they are, they make a frightening discovery. Those who know the answers to their questions are hunting them. And if they find them, these superhumans may not survive.
Forgotten was a semi-finalist in the YABC 2017 book awards and was heralded as a “most highly recommended” read by Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews.
Packed with supernatural fantasy, heart-wrenching romance, and mysterious twists, Forgotten is book one in this captivating YA Science Fantasy series. Download now!
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